Commercial General Liability Insurance

Most small businesses opt for commercial general liability (CGL) coverage because it covers the most common risks that businesses face. CGL may protect your business against liability claims of bodily injuries and property damage to third parties. Injuries and property damage can happen anywhere, but when they happen on your premises or are accidentally caused by you (or your employees) on a third party’s premises, you could be legally on the hook for damages.

Bodily injury

A client, while visiting your office, trips and falls over a wire. He decides to sue you for injuries and damages and the court rules in his favor.

Property damage

While delivering a presentation at your client’s office, one of your employees knocks over the projector, permanently damaging it.

Advertising injury

Promotional material on your website makes negative references towards your competitor and they decided to sue for libel/slander.

commercial general liability insurance quote

What’s The Fastest Way To Get CGL Insurance?

If you are looking to get commercial general liability insurance for your business, the traditional way of calling a brokerage and communicating information back and forth for days is the slowest way to go about it.

Instead, you can get your commercial general liability insurance much faster by requesting an online quote from Xpert Consultant Insurance. It’s the best way to eliminate slow (and expensive) administrative tasks that slow down the process of getting your policy approved. Start filing an online quote now by clicking on the button below.

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Best Commercial General Liability Insurance
For Consultants

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It's Cheaper

Buy online, save money

Online platform means fewer administrative costs, which add up to more savings for you.

More savings = More money in your pocket.

Invest more in your business, grow faster, and stay safe (with the right insurance policy).

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It's (A Lot) Faster

Get it done ASAP

Online platform also means less bureaucracy, so you don’t suffer from unnecessary delays.

If you need CGL insurance ASAP, get started right now.

You could get your policy within 1-3 days.

24/7 online insurance

It Works 24/7

Anytime, Anywhere

Brokers only take calls from 9-5, when you are busy running your business.

Skip the line. Deal with insurance when you want to.

6 am, lunch break, midnight, whatever floats your boat.

Launch Your Consulting Career To Success

Starting your own business can be a daunting task. Getting your insurance out of the way early on means you are moving in the right direction. We wish you the best of luck for running and growing your business.

Here’s a complementary video with some useful tips on how to win more clients. Grow your business by signing up more clients, and protect it with insurance.

Your Move

Is Your Consulting Practice Worth Protecting? You Decide